حل التمرين 6 ص لغة انجليزية Harun al-rashid102

- "Act6 p 102"

Write a short biography using the information in the above 'activity' use the semi modal – used to – and the relative pronouns

Harun Al-Rashid was born in 766 and died in 809.He was the son of Al Mahdi who was the third caliph of the Abbasides dynasty of Baghdad .His mother was of Berber stock . Harun AL Rashid married his cousin in 782.In 786, he became caliph. Harun Al-Rashid was a man who was very fond of music ,science and literature. He gave his protection to many scientists and writers during his reign. Harun had many friends .Among these friends were Khalid Al-Barmak, Fadl, Djaffar and Yahia .One of his pen friends was Charlemagne, who was the King of the Franks.Harun Alrashid was generous with him .He sent him silk robes, a chess game , a clock and an elephant to Charlemagne to show him his friendship .What he dislikes most is dishonesty. He was the hero of the famous tales called "One thousand and one nights" , where Harun Al Rashid is portrayed as a man walking the streets of Baghdad in disguise at night
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